Help Catholic families in Atlanta!

Posted: July 31, 2014

You can help jump start an education revolution! Saint John Bosco Academy is on a mission to raise $750,000 by September 1 to buy a new building for their Catholic hybrid school in North Atlanta.

The innovative hybrid school blends the best of home education and the best of the traditional classroom environment. It works so well that they have outgrown their current location (where I taught!)  They need to raise funds for a permanent home!  Please help!  They have grown from 40 to almost 250 students in 5 years. Currently, they lease space from a Christian school whose enrollment is also growing.  They no longer have the space to rent to SJBA! They need to act quickly and they need your help to raise funds for a permanent location. See their donation page here.


St. John Bosco Academy from SJBA on Vimeo.

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