Meet David!

Posted: April 29, 2012

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I had so much fun at the Catholic Homeschoolers of Georgia Conference yesterday. It was a real treat for me to be able to talk with some homeschoolers face-to-face. As an online writing coach, I don’t often get that opportunity. I was very impressed with a few young writers who stopped by my table to compose “magnetic poetry.” Meet David, age 13.

David loves long words, adjectives, and word play.

David composed a haiku, a limerick, and a poem in free verse. His haiku was probably my favorite:

wet, wretched concrete
must the wind always wander?
then cicadas laugh

Things I learned from David:

1. The prefix “un” looks the same if you flip it upside down.
2. Paradoxes always come in two’s. (Get it? “Pair”-adox?)
3. Nothing rhymes with the word “orange.”
4. The heart of a tree and the tail of a dog have something in common: They are both farthest from the bark!

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